Each child is a vibrant mix of cultural richness, playful curiosity, and boundless potential!

Academic care is our core Business

Much of what we do as educators at Baynton West Primary School is unseen by the community but has an impact that positively affects our students’ learning and wellbeing.

Our Our prime intention is to create calm and orderly classrooms, with minimal disruptions throughout the day so teachers can focus on teaching and our students can learn seamlessly.

Our staff are supported to teach using high impact instructional practice and evidenced based approaches. Across classrooms we focus on low variation teaching, where all students in all classrooms receive the same quality education. Scope and sequences in both English and Mathematics are consistently refined through common planning time amongst teachers and school leaders, ensuring our teaching always reflects the needs of our students.

Year level leaders and school leaders support the development of our educators through instructional coaching.

Students programming technology