
A uniform shop order form can be downloaded here.

Baynton West Primary School strongly encourages our students to wear appropriate school dress at all times.  The wearing of the school uniform serves a number of purposes.

  • School morale and tone is lifted through the wearing of a uniform.
  • Children are dressed for the occasion.
  • School dress enhances the child’s sense of belonging to their school group.
  • It also encourages a sense of pride in their individual appearance and as a member of the school community.
  • School uniform is a more economically viable means of providing appropriate dress standards.
  • Wearing school uniform removes the competition to wear designer and other fad clothing.
  • School uniform does not impose upon each child’s individuality but reflects an attitude of respect and conformity to community standards and
  • For children on excursions school dress can be an important safety factor for supervision.


A vibrant school uniform that reflects the local environment and ethos of the school has been designed for all children to wear.

Children are also required to wear a hat when out of the classroom.  Children without hats are confined to shady areas during recess and lunch.

The uniform includes the school colours which are:

  • Ashburton Purple
  • Sturt Red
  • Spinifex Green (on school logo)
  • Black shorts, skirt or skorts.

No Hat No Play

Baynton West Primary School has a strict No Sunsmart hat, no play policy. Children are required to wear a broad brimmed hat at all times when outside classrooms. Failure to do so will result in a child being restricted to areas that are fully shaded.


Children must wear footwear at school to minimise the risk of injury.  If for any reason children are in bare feet, they will be obliged to stay off the playground for their own safety.

Thongs and masseur sandals are not recommended as they fail to provide proper protection for feet.

Sports Uniform – Boys/Girls

Collared shirt in faction colours with the standard school shorts/skirt/skort.

Faction Colours

Sturt – Red

Spinifex – Green

Sun – Gold

Sky – Blue

General appearance

children who have long hair are asked to maintain its cleanliness and keep it tied back so that sight is not impeded and general tidiness is maintained.

Personal cleanliness
standards of personal cleanliness are regarded as the pupil’s own responsibility and children are asked to think of the comfort and wellbeing of others during their time at school.

your child should not wear jewellery (especially dangling earrings) or nail polish and makeup to school. This is unnecessary and jewellery can be dangerous at times, particularly during daily physical education. Sleepers are permissible. As with other valuables the school can take no responsibility for lost items. Children will be asked to remove any unnecessary jewellery.