The Parents and Citizens Association (P & C) is a group of people committed to involving the whole school community in the continual advancement in the quality of the children’s education.
The Parents and Citizens Association is open to all parents of children at school, to teachers and to any interested citizens.
They aim to support staff in the day-to-day activities of the school as well as being heavily involved in fundraising for major school requirements.
The major aims of the P & C are to;
- Help bring about communication and co-operation between students, teachers and parents.
- Foster community interest in education.
- Fund raise to provide extra facilities and amenities for the school.
- Meetings are normally held twice a term and dates and times are notified through the school newsletter. Meetings provide an opportunity to discuss matters pertaining to the school and welfare of students.
The AGM is usually held within the first month of the start of the school year. Everyone is welcome.