At Baynton West Primary School we believe that education in general, and this school’s educational programs in particular, reflect beliefs commonly held and shared by members of the school community. We believe that effective communication with parents, caregivers and the community ensures that Baynton West Primary School is responsive to changing needs.
We believe that:
1. Children should possess a high level of self-esteem and that the school should provide a warm, stable environment to encourage feelings of self worth.
2. Children have a right to be treated fairly but firmly which develops social skills to help them work co-operatively with others.
3. Children should experience success through participation in school activities and are encouraged to feel a sense of achievement through improvement of personal performance.
In meeting the needs of children, we at Baynton West Primary School provide our students with the opportunity for development through the provision of a carefully sequenced and balanced curriculum.
We recognise that it is the responsibility of the school to provide programs, which ensure equality of opportunity and full participation in school activities for all children.
We also believe in the notion that to succeed educationally requires a strong, supportive relationship between the home, student and school – remove one of these elements from the process and educational success becomes that much more difficult to achieve.
Educational programs developed by the school recognise that children come to school with differing levels of ability and knowledge.
Our school motto ‘Growth and Inspiration’ encourages each child to strive for their very best and, to the extent of their ability, achieve excellence and develop of love of learning.