
The active involvement of parents in the educational partnership ensures the development of an educational program, which closely reflects the needs of the community.

Avenues of effective formal and informal communications exist to provide opportunities for teachers and parents to establish a friendly, supportive and co-operative working relationship.

The key to ensuring success for your child at school is to be fully aware of what your child is involved in and to be actively involved in all aspects of your child’s education.

To assist parents to be fully aware of what is occurring at school the following processes apply at Baynton West Primary.

Parent – Teacher Communication

Parent Information Meetings will be held early in term one to ensure parents meet the teachers and understand the expectations and routines within the classes. Classroom newsletters will be shared at this event to explain procedures and philosophies of the class teacher to parents.

Formal Student Reports

Twice a year, at the end of Semester 1 & 2, formal reports are issued for all students.  Academic achievement, behaviour and values are reported. Parents are encouraged to contact  class if the report indicates an interview is required. Other reporting processes throughout the year include:

1.      Parent Meetings

2.      Presentation Evenings